1651: "Leviathan" humans: selfish 🤑 base nature: war of all vs all 😡 progress: thanks to gov't/ courts/bureaucracies/police 👮 society's basis: hierarchy, domination, cynical self- interest Hobbes 1754: "Discourse on the Origin & the Foundation of Inequality" yadda yadda social org evolutionary stages: Rousseau 1. hunter-gatherers, tiny bands 2. agricultural revolution 3. "civilization" & "state" 4. lit/science/philosophy 😛 but also patriarchy/standing- armies/mass-executions/ bureaucracy 😮 We're actually imaginative, playful, quirky entities Q: How might valuable objects move long distances? A: Dream & vision quests; travelling healers & entertainers; women gamblers...? A: Just... markets? 🤐 Channeling his ghost Jared Diamond Francis Fukuyama Channeling his ghost Steven Pinker: a psychologist who makes things up & cherry-picks New account of social development across 30,000 years They even said not to take literally their thought-experiments 🙃 Before farming, there were cities & explosion of political forms 🎆 No stages of social evolution Why classify ourselves mainly by how we grab food!? Technocratic reforms 😴 Egalitarianism-phobia 👻 👻